
v1.52.0May 24, 2023

😱 New Emojis


It’s time to express yourself with a new set of emojis. Now available in the built-in Emoji Picker that you can use across all apps. We recommend assigning a hotkey, e.g. Space.

Note: macOS 13.3 or later is required for emoji 15.0

✨ New

  • AI Chat: Added the new action “Copy Chat as Image” to quickly create a shareable image of the conversation
  • Theme Studio: Themes now sync between all your Macs if you have Cloud Sync enabled [Pro Plan required].

💎 Improvements

  • Emoji: The inline emoji picker now uses the same alias names as Slack and Github, for example: :smile:
  • Theme Studio: Added filter for dark/light themes
  • Theme Studio: The color indicators in the inspector now have borders to improve accessibility
  • Theme Studio: Added markdown example with a code block in the preview
  • AI Chat: Format user messages in Markdown
  • AI Chat: Enabled auto-scroll when selecting text.
  • AI Chat: Disabled smart quotes and smart dashes in the assistant response.
  • AI Chat: Chat text now respects the app text size setting.
  • AI Chat: Chat is now auto-saved after the first assistant response.
  • AI Commands: More reliable capturing of selected text in apps like Spark
  • AI Commands: Respect new lines for Direct Paste/Insert

🐞 Fixes

  • AI Chat: Fixed an issue where E and A would scroll instead of moving the cursor
  • AI Chat: Make toast respect active custom theme
  • AI Chat: Fixed inline code block rendering.
  • AI Chat: Selecting text in the chat no longer steals focus from the composer**.**
  • Emoji: Favorites now respect the chosen skin tone.
  • Define Word: Fixed an issue where history wouldn’t be displayed
  • Themes: Fixed an issue that might have caused displaying the wrong theme for system appearance
  • Pro Plan: Fixed problems with subscription management.
  • Store: Fixed installation of extensions when directly from in-browser Store
  • Misc: Fixed an issue where the Command Palette would sometimes not dismiss after showing a submenu.
v1.51.0May 10, 2023

Today, we’re introducing Raycast Pro, a paid plan that unlocks a new level of productivity. The subscription provides access to the following new features for $8 per month, billed annually. Everything you know and love about Raycast stays for free.


💫 Raycast AI


Raycast AI has become indispensable for beta testers in the last few weeks, who have generated over 500 million words. Now, we are making Raycast AI available to everyone. Use Quick AI to answer one-off questions, AI Chat as an assistant during workdays, and AI Commands to streamline tasks. Finally, AI feels right at home on your Mac!

☁️ Cloud Sync

Cloud Sync

Starting today, you can access Cloud Sync with a Pro subscription. All your Extensions, Quicklinks, Snippets, Hotkeys, and more are securely stored and kept up-to-date across your Macs. It’s also an ideal backup solution, allowing you to move to a new device in minutes.

🎨 Custom Themes

Custom Themes

Make Raycast your own with gorgeous themes. Opt for a pre-made one or design your own with the brand-new Theme Studio and share it with the community.

📋 Unlimited Clipboard History

Unlimited Clipboard History

Keep an indefinite history of everything you have copied with a Pro subscription. New options allow you to store previously copied content for up to 6 months, 1 year, or indefinitely.

v1.50.0April 28, 2023

💫 Quick AI Beta


Need a quick answer? Quick AI is here to help! Just open Raycast, type your question, and press Tab to get the response. Whether it’s a programming question, content iteration or dinner suggestion - it’s all just a Tab away!

Raycast AI is in beta. Join the waitlist and watch this video to get a preview of Quick AI.

✨ New

  • AI Command Deeplinks: Launch any AI command from outside of Raycast using Deeplinks: raycast://ai-command/<slugified-command-name>. Learn more in the manual.
  • Markdown Tables are now properly supported everywhere.
  • Markdown: Code blocks now support syntax highlighting.
  • AI Chat: Opens now in the resizable, floating window by default. AI Commands open in the Quick AI View. Pro tip: Set a hotkey to toggle the AI Chat via Settings -> Extensions -> Raycast AI -> AI Chat.
  • AI Chat: Code blocks now have a “copy” button in the top-right corner.

💎 Improvements

  • The default search scope for apps from Parallels VMs can now be removed (Preferences > Extensions > Applications > Search Scope).
  • Grids: You can use / / + arrows left and right to move cursor in search bar
  • Window Management: Added Top Center Two Thirds command
  • Window Management: Center Half command now cycles between center 1/2, 1/3 and 2/3 widths.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with “Always show events in menu bar” and back-to-back events, which would cause the earlier event to be displayed right up until the second event started.
  • Fixed an issue with My Schedule's “Next up” time formatting that would say in 115 minutes instead of in 1 hour, 55 minutes.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented AI Commands like Fix Spelling and Grammar couldn’t be favorited in the Root Search.
  • Fixed missing drafts for the Create AI Command.
v1.49.0March 29, 2023

🎨 Color Detection


Now you can enter color values in the Root Search to see a preview. An action lets you quickly copy it in other formats, such as HEX, HSL, RGB, NSColor and so on. Try it out: #FF6363.

🤖 Improvements for Raycast AI Beta


Raycast AI unlocks the power of AI on your Mac. We’ve been working with our beta users to improve the experience over the last few weeks. Today, we are releasing three new features, plus some minor fixes. Join the waitlist to supercharge your productivity.

Separate Window

You can now open Raycast AI in a separate, resizable window that stays on top of other apps. This makes it the perfect companion for your workday. To enable the separate window, go to Raycast Settings → Extensions → Raycast AI.

💡 Pro tip: Assign a global hotkey to the “Ask AI” command to quickly focus the chat.


Chats are saved in history, so you can pick up where you left off. For example, writing your next hit iOS app. To access previous conversations, press ⌘ + P in the Ask AI command. To start a new one, press ⌘ + N.

Quick Paste/Insert

AI Commands can paste or insert their AI-generated text directly into the frontmost application. To replace your selected text, just press ⌘ + ↵ when launching an AI Command. Or, press ⌥ + ↵ to insert the generated text below the selection.

✨ New

  • File Search: Additional applications are shown in the Open With action.
  • Script Command Deeplinks: Launch any script command from outside of Raycast using Deeplinks: raycast://script-command/<slugified-file-name-without-extension>. Learn more in the manual.

💎 Improvements

  • AI: Use search term as default instruction for ad-hoc AI Commands.
  • AI: Add separator when copying formatted chat.
  • AI: Improve behavior of Regenerate Response action.
  • AI: Add action to copy code blocks of the last response.
  • Clipboard History: Add save action for text and images.
  • Dictionary: Permit customizing default action.
  • Root Search: Parallels apps are now automatically discovered and can be opened in the respective VM.

🐞 Fixes

  • AI: Fix missing actions for favorites in Root Search.
  • AI: Fix an issue with selection being reset when text is generating
  • Dictionary: Remove extra characters in the word list.
  • Snippets: Support placeholders in curly brackets.
v1.48.0February 22, 2023

🪄 Raycast AI Beta - Magic at Your Fingertips


Unlock the power of AI anywhere on your Mac. Write smarter, code faster, answer questions quicker, and do so much more. Today, we're opening up early access for the next generation of Raycast - a productivity tool for professionals that uses AI to help you get more done in less time.

Sign up for our waitlist and watch this video to get a sneak peek of Raycast AI.

💎 Improvements

  • Pop to Root Search: Added 120 and 180 seconds intervals.
  • Calendar: You can now join Amazon Chime video meetings right from Raycast.
  • Calendar: You can now join Slack Huddle video meetings right from Raycast.
  • Markdown: Inline code blocks now look nicer. Like this (if you read this changelog in the app).
  • Flight Tracker: You can now enable/disable Flight Tracker detection in settings. You can find it in Raycast Preferences → Extensions → Calculator
  • Flight Tracker: A plane icon will now be displayed to indicate a flight number was detected and flight data is being loaded.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with Flight Tracker being displayed for multiplications which use the letter “x” as the operator.
  • Fixed a bug that caused errors in the store if more than 140 extensions were installed.
v1.47.0February 1, 2023

🖇️ Deeplinks

A convenient way to launch any command inside Raycast from an URL scheme.

Whether you want to launch a command from your own extension, the Calculator History, or the Clipboard History, you can easily do so using Deeplinks. The format is easy to remember, making it easy for you to use Deeplinks to your advantage.


You can read more about how to use Deeplinks here.


💎 Improvements

  • Preferences: Add a preference to replace ⌃⌥⌘⇧ by ✦ (hyper key).
  • Flight Tracker: Don’t show it when the flight number matches aliases, Quicklinks names and other titles for your search results.
  • Snippets: Add an action to delete all local snippets.
  • Snippets: The - and _ characters are no longer treated as delimiters when using the After Delimiter expansion options. So they can safely be used in snippet keywords.
  • AppUpdates: Improved permissions handling for users working on non-admin accounts.
  • File Search: The authorisation prompt should no longer appear after denying permissions. It can also be manually dismissed in cases where the permission is denied outside of Raycast.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Switch Windows command where closed apps would still be listed.
v1.46.0January 18, 2023

✈️ Flight Tracker

Flight tracking is now one of the core capabilities of Raycast. A lot like quickly getting the answer to a calculation or conversion question, enter any flight code in Raycast (e.g. DL234, KL1620 or LH962) search bar to immediately get real-time information about that flight, including up-to-date information on departure and arrival times, flight status, and when in flight, the approximate position of the plane in a new map view.


✨ New

  • Added Toggle Stage Manager command

💎 Improvements

  • Calendar: You can now join video meetings right from Raycast
  • Raycast will now only offer to open Google Meet links in a special browser if the default browser is not already based on Chromium.
  • Bottom-left menu: You can now click on the name of any command in the bottom-left of the Raycast window to quickly access a few links (like accessing the preferences of the command, viewing the README of an extension, etc.)
  • App Uninstaller: Made the Uninstall Application action available for running applications. The running application gets quit before uninstalling it.

🐞 Fixes

  • Window Management: Fixed a bug where the Stage Manager wasn’t respected if only one window was open
  • Clipboard History: Fixed a bug where pasting entries from the history didn’t work in 1Password, Adobe InDesign, and other applications
  • Calculator History: Fixed an issue where some shortcuts wouldn’t work when the action panel was open
  • Date Picker: Fixed an issue where it would show wrong suggestions when typing the day of the week
  • Manage Quicklinks: Metadata now updates correctly after editing a quicklink.
  • File Search: Fixed an issue where the Authorization prompt would sometimes appear even though authorization was already granted.
  • Fixed an issue where Ctrl + H/L wouldn’t work in grid views when Vim navigation style is enabled
  • Made the animation of the Toggle Bounce Animation command slower on small displays
  • Fixed a 1px border on the top of screenshots taken with the built-in screenshot tool
v1.45.0December 15, 2022

🎁 Meet your Raycast Wrapped


Take a glance at your productivity over the past year, from launching Raycast, to your use of Extensions and Applications, and visualize your developer stats and time spent in meetings.

Get a better understanding of how you’ve used Raycast, broken down by the hour, what features you use the most, and maybe some features you’re missing out on.

Post a snapshot of your stats and summary by clicking Copy as Image in each section, then paste your media to share.

Disclaimer: Most of the data displayed is stored locally, and Raycast does not have access to it. If you moved between machines during the year, some of the data might have been lost. If you’ve used Raycast for less than 30 days, you will not have enough data to be displayed – but there’s always next year!

✨ New

  • Proxy and Certificates Preferences: Under Raycast Advanced Preferences, you’ll find new preferences for using the internet proxy settings from your system, and for using certificates from the system keychain or a custom location. Most of our existing extensions are already compatible with proxies, with the rest being updated soon. So if you’re behind a corporate proxy or need to use custom certificates and previously had network issues with extensions, try enabling the new settings.
  • Fallback commands: All commands from extensions can now be used as fallback commands!

💎 Improvements

  • System Settings are now grouped separately from Applications under the Extensions tab in Raycast Settings
  • Script Commands: Allow scripts with multiple arguments to be used as fallback commands.
  • Linear, Asana and Hacker News: These three bundled extensions are now open source. The new versions are powered by our API and have more features. You can find them in the Store.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed the File Search Copy action appending a . to the folder’s name
  • Snippets should now expand in Jetbrains products as expected
  • Clipboard History items now displays the correct name application name on every launch
v1.44.0November 23, 2022

⌨️ macOS Shortcuts Improvements

macOS Shortcuts are now more deeply integrated inside Raycast! Their custom icons as well as their folder will be shown in Raycast - and if a shortcut accepts an argument, you will be able to input it right there.

Important: Requires accessibility permission. Raycast will prompt it in the root search or when running any shortcut.


💎 Improvements

  • Calculator History: Improved icons for more calculation types and added actions to copy question or put it in the search bar.
  • Export Settings & Data: You can now edit and view the export password in the command’s preferences.
  • Clipboard: New action to copy formatted JSON in case the previously copied text was a valid JSON.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed high CPU usage bug when users listen for Script Commands in a rapidly changing parent folder (e.g. ~).
  • Fixed a memory leak when viewing images in commands which use the grid view.
  • Snippets: Fixed issues with keyword expansion in some apps
  • Preferences: You can now edit the alias or hotkey of “Next/Previous Display” window management commands even when no external monitor is connected
  • Calculator: Fixed random issues in math calculations for some users
v1.43.0November 9, 2022

🚴 Cycle through Windows


Some Window Management commands got a new superpower. If you repeatedly execute the left, right, top, or bottom half, it will cycle through different sizes. By default, it cycles through ½, ⅔, and ⅓. You can change it to cycle through adjacent displays or display the behavior on the preferences of the Window Management extension.

🔢 Calculator History


Ever wanted to peek into your recent calculations? With the new “Calculator History” command, you can find everything you calculate in Raycast. You can also pin items to keep an eye on changing currency rates or countdown to your favorite event.

✨ New

  • Calculator now supports automatic conversions for most commonly used units, like meters to feet or kilograms to pounds and vice versa.

💎 Improvements

  • Window Management: Respect Stage Manager when present.
  • Screenshots: New Paste Recent Screenshot command to paste the recent screenshot to the frontmost application.
  • Root Search: Application names should be correctly localized even if Spotlight indexing is disabled.
  • Browser Bookmarks: Search supports CJK languages.

🐞 Fixes

  • My Schedule: Fixed an issue where authuser param would be missing in Google Meet URLs
  • Snippets: Cursor placeholder position is now calculated correctly when the snippet contains emoji or other multi-byte characters.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when pasting from the clipboard history, emoji picker or snippets with universal clipboard enabled
  • Fixed an issue where hotkeys would be registered incorrectly when using the keypad with an AZERTY keyboard layout.
  • Fixed an issue where the main window sometimes appeared docked in Stage Manager.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented editing alias for some commands in Preferences.
  • Fixed an issue where characters could get dropped when opening commands which use the grid view.
v1.42.0October 26, 2022

🎹 Double-Tap Hotkeys


This one is for all the keyboard aficionados: You can now use double-tap hotkeys in Raycast! Tap a modifier key twice to toggle Raycast, launch apps, and open commands or quicklinks. Supported modifiers are ⌘, ⌥, ⌃, and ⇧. Set the hotkeys via the Raycast preferences.

✨ New

  • File Search: You can now move, copy and duplicate files using the action panel. Hit ⌘ + K on a selected file and search for the “Move to…”, “Copy to…” or “Duplicate” action.
  • Snippets: You can now specify a sound to play when expanding a snippet. Select a sound via the Snippets extension preferences.

💎 Improvements

  • App Updates: Improved insufficient permissions handling
  • Root Search: Newly installed apps and extensions are up-ranked and get suggested
  • Ventura Settings: Improved compatibility with settings in Ventura, including support for localization
v1.41.0October 12, 2022

🔗 Link Previews


Links got visual in Raycast! Copied URLs preview their social card image in the Clipboard History and Manage Quicklinks commands. The preview makes finding what you’re looking for more straightforward, and any additional information got moved below the image.

✨ New

  • Window Management: New commands to resize a window to the top or bottom third or two-thirds.

💎 Improvements

  • Window Management: Windows that are moved between displays now respect the previous aspect ratio. The behavior can be disabled in the preferences of the Previous/Next Display commands.
  • Window Management: Added a new preference on the Move Left/Right/Top/Bottom commands to center the window horizontally/vertically. The preference is turned on by default to keep the previous behavior.
  • Preferences: The error toast that is shown when an alias is used by another command now shows the name of the command to resolve the conflict.
  • AppUpdates: Improved insufficient permissions recovery process

🐞 Fixes

  • Paste: Added a workaround to avoid duplicate content when using Direct Paste into the Messages app.
  • Tag Editor: Now adjusts height correctly when loading initial content.
  • Export: Add some missing preferences to rayconfig export.
  • Search: Finder aliases are now followed when indexing apps.
  • Store: Fixed an issue where the view would sometimes jump to the top when scrolling.
  • Window Management: Made moving and resizing Chrome windows fast again.
v1.40.0September 28, 2022

🔎 Fuzzy Search

Having a more flexible search has been one of the most requested features from our community for a long time and, in this release, we are excited to bring “Fuzzy Matching” to the Root Search.


You can now match applications, extensions, or scripts by writing any of their letters independently of their position in the result’s title, subtitle, keywords, or alias. For example: ftime for “Facetime”, msg for “Messages”, or utub vid for the “Search Youtube Videos” command.

Pro tip: Go to the Advanced Raycast Preferences to tweak the Root Search Sensitivity. The sensitivity controls the amount of matching results.

🧮 Improved Calculator

The performance and functionality of the calculator got improved under the hood. It now supports more scientific units, statistical calculations, and better date handling with natural text. You can find more about what the calculator can do you here.

✨ New

  • Fuzzy Search is now the search algorithm used in Root Search.
  • Search Sensitivity Levels, controlling the amount of suggested results, can be found in Advanced Raycast Preferences.

💎 Improvements

  • Root Search: Ranking of elements automatically accounts for how often you open every element and whether you have written a previously triggered search term (or a prefix of it).
  • Root Search: Search index is partially rebuilt after each triggered search result.
  • You can now disable the Show events in menu bar preference by dragging the Calendar Events Menu Bar Extra out of the menu bar while holding down .
  • Dictionary Extension: Added Recent Words section when the search term is empty containing the list of recently opened words.
  • Drag and Drop: You can now close the window while dragging a screenshot or a file out of Raycast. Simply hold down the key while dragging. If you keep the key pressed while dropping the content, Raycast opens again. This makes it convenient to drag multiple items in a row.
  • Quicklinks: The link’s domain is now displayed in the subtitle and will be matched when searching for Quicklinks.
  • Search Snippets: Snippets are now sorted by last used date.
  • Search Emoji: Added a new Save as Snippet action.
  • macOS 13 beta: Improved compatibility with macOS 13 Ventura beta. Including integration with the new System Settings.

🐞 Fixes

  • Preferences: The deprecated toggle “Find apps and prefs via Spotlight” has been removed.
  • Lightsaber: We have temporarily removed the Lightsaber command.
v1.39.0August 18, 2022

✨ New

  • Added navigation menu when clicking on Raycast logo in Root Search

💎 Improvements

  • Emoji Search: Updated to Unicode 14 and improved keywords.
  • Extensions Updater: Parallelize updates and provide more information on toast when running the “Check for Extensions Update” command
  • Clipboard History: Links now have their domain’s favicon when available, making it quicker to find the website you’re looking for.
  • Manage Quicklinks: Improved appearance of disabled Quicklinks.
  • Store: Improved appearance of media preview to align with our new design and added buttons for easy navigation
  • Store: Team selection will now be preserved for 5 mins
  • Teams: Managers can now delete organizations in Preferences → Organizations

🐞 Fixes

  • Root Search: Fixed opening commands that have required arguments from the Action Panel
  • Store: Fixed opening commands with required arguments
  • Fixed CPU Spikes when using LittleSnitch
  • Action Panel: Fixed an issue where some keyboard shortcuts wouldn’t work when the panel is open.
  • Toasts: Fixed an issue where some keyboard shortcuts would not work.
  • Clipboard History: Copying multiple files from Finder or any other app now lists each file individually as expected
  • Clipboard History: Image caches will now be deleted when you delete the item from the list
  • Clipboard: Fixed rare issues with some actions related to copying and pasting text.
v1.38.0July 19, 2022

💅 A fresh look and feel

We announced Raycast to the world almost two years ago. Since then, the design of the macOS app has mostly stayed the same. But many things around it have changed. Today, we’re announcing a fresh look and feel to address the feedback and demand from our growing community.


We’ve made these five changes to make the app even easier and faster to use while maintaining its beauty through simplicity:

  • A bigger search bar to reflect its importance
  • All-new action bar with contextual information
  • Bespoke icon set used across the application
  • Compact Mode for additional focus
  • Fresh app icon that was long overdue

Read more about the changes and why in this blog post.

💎 Improvements

  • Snippets: Added a new UUID placeholder to generate random identifiers.
  • Search Screenshots: You can now opt-in from the command’s preferences to include all media files in the search.

🐞 Fixes

  • Calculator: Currency rates are now updated more frequently and can also be manually updated during a currency conversion using the “Refresh Currency Data” action.
  • Calculator: The cursor position is now set to the end of the text after performing “Swap Units” and “Put Answer in Search Bar” actions.
  • Personal Walkthrough: Tasks and Progress are now updated immediately.
  • Snippets: Fixed an issue with mismatching colors from long texts.
v1.37.0June 29, 2022

🤖 Shared Snippets

You can now share Snippets with members of your organization. It's an easy way to share information and frequently used text. Shared snippets are ideal for canned email responses, code, templates or short phrases.

Insert 0xC0C0A in Raycast to activate the beta team features


✨ New

  • Snippets now support custom formats for date placeholders. You can write {date "yyyy-MM-dd"} or use any valid format defined on the Unicode date patterns here.
  • You can now import snippets from a JSON file. Search for Import Snippets command. Learn more about the supported format here.
  • You can now opt-in to create a Quicklink even faster as we automatically fill the form based on your active browser tab or from your clipboard.

🤳🏼 Bonus: Rayfie

With this new tool, Raycast takes a photo of Raycast to make sure it’s taken from the best possible angle, use it to share your Raycast experience with others.

Enable it under the advanced tab in preferences.


💎 Improvements

  • Trash: Added preference setting on whether to show a confirmation dialogue when emptying the trash
  • Clipboard: The original clipboard contents are now restored after pasting an emoji, snippet or screenshot into another app.

🐞 Fixes

  • Snippets: Text expansion now works as expected inside terminals of Jetbrains IDEs
  • Clipboard History: Images no longer appear in a different tint when pasted to another app
  • Clipboard History: The source app is now always correctly recorded, even when switching quickly to a new app just after copying.
  • File Search: Resolved a performance issue when scrolling quickly through the results.
  • My Schedule: Searching for words in long titles now works as expected
  • Teams: Reduced network activity required for syncing shared quicklinks and snippets.
  • Screenshot Search: Fixed an issue where the main window could hang briefly after capturing a screenshot
  • macOS Ventura (Beta): Fixed an issue where Raycast would crash when opening the “Search Snippets” command. Also fixed an issue with missing Safari on Beta 2 and a few minor visual bugs.
v1.36.0June 7, 2022

🪧 Snippet Placeholders

You can now make your snippets dynamic with placeholders. Add placeholders by typing the keywords within curly braces like {cursor} or {date +2d}.

We support various date and time combinations, the current text in the clipboard, and modifying the cursor position.


🖇️ Share Quicklinks in Your Team (Beta)

You can now share Quicklinks with members of your organization. It's an easier way to access information and ideal for links to your company's roadmap, dashboards, or other resources.

Insert 0xC0C0A in Raycast to activate the beta team features


💎 Improvements

  • Calendar: Events longer than 24h should not be displayed in the menu bar anymore.
  • My Schedule: You can now search for events by participants or only organizer if there are more than five participants
  • Script Commands: Scripts with inline mode can work without refreshTime parameter. In this case, you need to refresh it manually.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused minor CPU usage in the background in some cases when the mouse is moved
  • Fixed an issue that caused some images inside text fields to not appear properly in the light theme
  • Fixed an issue that caused text colors in some screens to not update properly when the system theme changes
v1.35.0May 18, 2022

🔍 Find screenshots by text in images

Full text search comes to the Search Screenshots command. It’s now way easier to find that pesky screenshot you knew you captured, but couldn’t locate. Image text is indexed in the background, so the latest results should always be just a few keystrokes away. You can also search by filename or natural language dates, making screenshot search even more powerful.


✨ New

  • Use the new raycast://confetti URL scheme to trigger confetti. Especially handy to spice up those long running scripts.

💎 Improvements

  • Various optimizations that should improve the app’s cold start time, reduce the amount of unnecessary reloads in the root search, and improve search speed in some cases.
  • Team Store: Added “Remove from Store” action for deleting published extensions from the team store.

🐞 Fixes

  • Toggle Hidden Files: now uses global defaults allowing to change AppleShowAllFiles values through the Terminal easier.
  • Declined events aren’t displayed in the menu bar anymore.
  • Snippets: Rich text snippets inserted into browsers and email clients will now have a system font style
  • Clipboard History: Fixed an issue where text copied from some apps was shown as images
v1.34.0May 4, 2022

💠 Raycast for Teams (Beta)


Together with our community, we built up a developer platform to create, share and discover productivity tools. Now, we’re bringing this experience to teams. Create an organization, invite your teammates, and speed up your internal workflows. Raycast for Teams is free during the beta period, and we’ll iterate on it based on your feedback.

Insert 0xC0C0A in Raycast to activate the team features and follow the getting started guide.

🙀 Emoji Search


What’s using a Mac without emojis in 2022?! With our new Search Emoji command, you can find your favorite smileys and reactions quicker than ever to spice up your documents, tweets and pull requests.

Pro Tip: Assign ⌘ + ⌃ + Space as a hotkey to the Search Emoji command to replace the system emoji picker.

✨ New

  • A little fun: Search for “lightsaber” in Raycast to celebrate Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you 🌌

💎 Improvements

  • Menu bar calendar events: Added an Always On preference
  • Menu bar calendar events: Clicking the menu bar item now opens a menu displaying your events for the current week
  • Added a new action to annotate images with CleanShot X in the Search Screenshots and Clipboard History command
  • Updated window management preset for Magnet to include thirds (thanks Daniel)
  • Toasts get displayed above the window if there is not enough space under the window

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where in some cases conferences would show up multiple times in the menu bar calendar item
  • Fixed an issue where the text in version history would get cut off sometimes
v1.33.0April 20, 2022

🏞 Search Screenshots

We’re pretty hyped about this one, as it is not only about browsing your screenshots, we now also have a new way of displaying content within Raycast – meet the grid! The first feature out is the Search Screenshot command, which will make it super easy to browse, copy and share your screenshots.


🤑 Rich Snippets

All the power of Snippets you are used to is now even better with support for rich text. Adding styles or links to your snippet is only a keypress away. You can continue to copy or expand snippets the same way and we’ll make sure your content is richer.


💎 Improvements

  • Added detailed progress information when downloading updates
  • Improved form validation with a little shake

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the position of the menu bar calendar event would sometimes be forgotten.
  • Fixed an issue where running app running indicators could get out of sync when opening Raycast
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes zoom links wouldn’t open
v1.32.0April 6, 2022

📆 Upcoming calendar events in the menu bar


No more entering meetings in a panic because you’re late, enable upcoming events in your menu bar under the My Schedule extension preferences ✨

💎 Improvements

  • App Updater: added flow to help fix permission problems for non-root users, added download progress, improved performance
  • App Uninstaller: More accurately detects relevant files
  • Root Search: Improved the performance of indexing apps and preferences

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where aliases and hotkeys for apps could get lost after a restart in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue that might have caused memory spikes for some users
v1.31.0March 24, 2022

🧩 Rich Extension Metadata

Preview extensions with screenshots, check out recent extension updates in their Version History ⌘⌥⇧V, and open README’s ⌘⌥⇧R on the new extension page in the Store website, with the new, highly-requested, rich extension metadata.

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🧼 App Uninstaller

Time for a spring clean-up? You can now uninstall applications directly from Raycast. Just hit ⌘K on any app in the root search, and select uninstall application ✨

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✨ New

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  • Confetti: Celebrate all your computer accomplishments with our brand new confetti cannon that Thomas made after Sandy (Head of HR) rejected his actual confetti cannon purchase. Try it out by running the new Confetti command in Raycast, it’s fun! (and Sandy approves 🎉)

💎 Improvements

  • Navigation: Added an option to change the preferred list navigation style under Advanced Preferences. You can now switch between the default macOS or vim style commands.
  • Root Search: Running app activity indicator now respects Dock’s “Show indicator for running apps” preference. When it’s disabled, the indicator will also be hidden in Raycast.
  • File Search: Added a “Create Quicklink” action.
  • File Search: Added ⌘⇧E keyboard shortcut for the “Share” action.
  • Import/Export: Improved Toast error messages when something goes wrong.
  • Forms: Improvements to form validation UI. Validation warnings now appear in the margin or as tooltips avoiding the need to add additional padding between form elements.
  • Memory: Set a lower cache size for images. This may reduce the app’s memory footprint in some cases.

🐞 Fixes

  • Calculator: Fixed an issue where crypto-currency rates would not be updated.
v1.30.0March 9, 2022

🔍 Search far and wide


  • System Preferences: You can now search for specific options in System Preferences and jump directly to them.
  • Clipboard History now supports searching inside images and text files.

💎 Improvements

  • The calculator is smarter now and stays away from view when you perform generic searches.

🐞 Fixes

  • My Schedule: Fixed issue with meeting links not opening in native apps if a preferred browser was set.
  • Export: Fixed an issue where export was not working when extensions were selected.
  • Store: Fixed an edge case where certain installed extensions could not be loaded.
  • File Search: Improved handling of diacritics when entering a search path.
  • Clipboard History: Fixed an issue where Paste to … action would not remove text formatting.
  • Quicklook: Fixed a crash when attempting to switch the preview to full-screen mode.
v1.29.0February 23, 2022

Emoji Picker 🎉 🥳

Pick Emoji like a pro from any text area in Raycast. Quickly trigger the picker by entering a : and continue typing to select exactly the emotion you want. Alternatively use the standard system shortcuts ⌘⌃space or FnE to display the full list of Emoji. Go on, express yourself 😆


✨ New

  • App Running Indicators: Apps in the root search now have a small indicator underneath their icon if they are running.
  • My Schedule & Google Extension: Adds the ability to override which browser Google services will open to. Head over to the extension preferences to change the browser.
  • Linear Extension: Introduced Search Projects command

💎 Improvements

  • Preferences: Added new theme icons in preferences
  • Clipboard History: Paste to the active app is now the default action
  • Clipboard History: Additional info about the copied items is simplified to show only relevant details
  • Store: Extensions now load faster when you scroll
  • Store: Placeholders appear better if you manage to get a good look
  • Store: Added an option to let Raycast automatically fix permissions if store extensions cannot be installed
  • File Search: Now compatible with the latest OneDrive client and with any other cloud service which uses the new FileProvider extension in macOS Monterey.
  • Snippets: Adds a preference to disable injection for specific applications.

🐞 Fixes

  • Shortcuts: special characters or foreign symbols in names now work as expected
  • Clipboard History: Images are not duplicated anymore when copied for the second time
  • File Search: Fixes double-slash prefix in some file paths.
  • Clipboard History / Snippets: Now use the standard paste shortcut ⌘V in Emacs app.
  • Text Area: Fixes line spacing when inserting tall glyphs such as emoji.
v1.28.0February 9, 2022

Store: Discover top extensions

Store now highlights top picks by the Raycast team in a new Featured section, and the most downloaded extensions in the last week under Trending.


✨ New

  • Window Snapping: Raycast window will snap nicely when it’s close to its default centre position.

💎 Improvements

  • Store: Now displays install count for extensions
  • Aliases: Removed limitation for characters amount and allowed symbols
  • My Schedule: Google Meet links will now open with the account associated with the event
  • Preferences: Updated theme icons in appearance preferences
  • File Search: Now recognises file paths entered in the search field. You can also navigate to the selected item’s enclosing folder or enter the selected folder via the ⌘⌥↑ and ⌘⌥↓ keyboard shortcuts.
  • Extensions feedback: We’ve added better bug report and feature request actions both to the store details page of an extension and to the error screen; the actions prefill some data already in the templates so that reporting issues and feature requests is much easier.

🐞 Fixes

  • Window Management: Moving and resizing windows now works correctly when “Enhanced User Interface” is enabled in Accessibility preferences.
  • Clipboard History: Fixed issue with indefinite loading of images and files in some rare cases.
  • Toasts for long-running tasks will now be closed as expected if the task completes when the Raycast window is not active.
v1.27.0January 12, 2022

🔍 Quick Search


Finding stuff with Quicklinks has become even faster now. Just select text in any app and press the hotkey for a Quicklink to search the selected text with that Quicklink. This was inspired by the Quick Search extension built by @iwfan and you can find details on how to enable it here.

💎 Improvements

  • Root Search: Raycast now suggests more relevant and diverse commands
  • Calculator: Added support for shorthand for Australia and New Zealand timezones
  • Calendar: Added support for Cron as a default calendar when opening events from Raycast. You can change it in Preferences → Extensions → My Schedule.
  • Preferences: You can now open Store to install extensions from the Extensions Tab
  • Store: Last update date now always shows the relative date in extension details
  • Quicklinks: Library in preferences now includes a Search App Store Quicklink
  • Walkthrough: Tasks that require more than one action now displays additional information when in progress
  • Clipboard History: Links can be easily saved as Quicklink with the new Save as Quicklink action. Pro-tip: use ⌘ ⇧ S shortcut
  • Clipboard History: Delete All Entries action now has a dedicated shortcut - ⌘ ⇧ X
  • Send Feedback: Made toast messages more relevant
  • Performance: Significantly increased startup speed for those with links on the applications folder

🐞 Fixes

  • Search Menu Items: Fixed issues related to nested menus in various apps
  • Script Commands: When a script command with the compact mode is run via a hotkey, the Raycast window comes to the front and the message is displayed as toast


  • Developer Tools: Added Open Support Directory action to local dev extensions
  • Developer Tools: Removed auto-injecting of globals for enabling React Developer Tools in dev mode
  • Developer Tools: Added prettier checks to CLI lint command
  • Navigation: Fixed a bug where a programmatic pop, followed by a manual pop (e.g. ESC) could lead to wrong state (
  • Forms: Fixed controlled updates for the Form.TagPicker
  • Documentation: Fixes and updates
v1.26.0November 30, 2021

🏪 Extension Store & API


We're super thrilled to announce our Store and API to build, share and discover extensions. This lets you tailor Raycast to your needs. During the beta phase, our community has already built more than 100 extensions that you can search and install via the new built-in Store command.

This is a huge step forward, making Raycast extendable and paving our way to become the platform for productivity tools. We can't wait to see what you will come up with 🤗

🧭 New Onboarding Experience

Take your Raycast experience to the next level through a series of onboarding tasks with the new Walkthrough command. Complete tasks, track your progress, and discover the full power of our action panel, features such as the Calculator, Calendar, and Window Management, and global hotkeys you might not have used before.


💎 Improvements

  • Export Preferences & Data: Raycast backups can now be protected with a password.
  • Improved ActionPanel updating performance
  • You can now favorite commands that you develop locally
  • Window Management: Added "Previous Desktop", "Next Desktop" and "Reasonable Size" commands.
  • Reassigning previously used hotkeys for deleted extension commands

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed the Hacker News extension
  • Support white spaces on "Create Extension" command's location
  • Fixed disappearing script-commands when disabling them in Preferences
  • Fixed an issue where action panel would get hidden when the list is reloaded
  • Fixed an issue where huge clipboard text content was leading to a freeze
v1.25.0October 13, 2021

🤖 Extensions API & Store Beta


It's happening! After months of testing, we are finally opening up the Raycast API for public beta. This is a big milestone for our community. A massive shoutout to everybody who helped us shape the API.

During the beta period, we want to further iron out the API and the developer experience before we fully incorporate the Store into the app for everybody.

Please check out our documentation on how to build extensions and participate in beta testing. Similar to script-commands we have an extensions repository where you can find all the extensions published in the Store.

We can't wait to see what you will come up with 🤗

✨ New

  • You can now use Search Browser Bookmark as a Fallback Command

💎 Improvements

  • You can now navigate to any extension in Preferences directly from the root search using the new Configure Extension action (Pro Tip: Shortcut is ⌘ ⌥ ,)

🐞 Fixes

  • The Calculator now automatically handles daylight times when working with Eastern and Pacific time zones
  • Command + 1...9 shortcuts now work as expected in the Search Menu Items command
v1.24.0September 23, 2021

⚡️macOS Shortcuts


You might've spotted a tweet earlier in the week, hinting at something new. Well, the wait is now over. Searching your Shortcuts on Mac, and launching them from Raycast in macOS Monterey is here.

Search for your shortcuts title, and they will appear in your search results. Just hit to run the shortcut, and watch the magic unfold all from Raycast.

✨ New

  • Raycast now supports opening Calendar events in Fantastical. If Fantastical is your default Calendar, this will work out of the box. To change it manually, go to Preferences → Extensions → My Schedule and select your default calendar application from the right pane
  • You can also configure for how long an event should show in the root search from the starting time. You will also find it in My Schedule preferences

💎 Improvements

  • Root: Added action to hide a running application
  • Calculator now supports both comma and period as decimal separators if your system setting has comma as the decimal separator and space as the grouping separator
  • Improved text parsing in Calculator so that it does not treat hyphens in text as minus and answers queries like "week of year"
  • New applications now appear faster in the root search

🐞 Fixes

  • The calendars you have enabled will now be backed up as expected when you using Export Preferences & Data command
  • Fixed a crash in Calculator when dealing with extremely large numbers invoked by scientific terms
  • Fixed a rare crash which happened when opening Raycast Preferences
  • Fixed an issue which disabled hotkeys in certain keyboard layouts
v1.23.0September 10, 2021

🔍 Customize Fallback Commands


You can now use Quicklinks and Script Commands with single arguments as fallback commands, as well as sort them to fit your needs.

You've probably seen these in Raycast, when your search term doesn't have any matching result. It was a list of pre-defined commands like File Search, Google Search etc. Now, you can customize the list by clicking the new Settings icon, next to the title of the list section.

✨ New

  • Quicklinks now support default values for parameters. Just insert a colon after the placeholder and type your default value. You can learn more about them here
  • Clipboard History: You can now configure applications that you wish to ignore in the clipboard history. By default we already ignore transitive and sensitive information. Head over to Preferences → Extensions → Clipboard History to set it up

💎 Improvements

  • Calculator: Now supports more natural language parsing like "one year ago", "half of 30% of half of 100" and "five minus three"
  • Calculator: Now displays extremely large numbers and small number using scientific notation rather than the previously used SI notation
  • My Schedule: Action panel will have "Join Event" as primary action for today's events
  • My Schedule: Added an "Open in Maps" action for events with a location
  • Quicklinks: Create Quicklink form now permits URLs without a scheme e.g. ""
  • Snippets: Added a warning in the Snippet preferences if another application has enabled "Secure Input" and is blocking snippet expansion
  • Snippets: Expansion now works correctly in Microsoft Outlook
  • Improved performance in the root search

🐞 Fixes

  • Scripts: Invalid script encoding is now detected by Raycast, letting the user re-encode for successful execution (very common in AppleScripts after using the Script Editor)
  • Bookmarks: Full-disk access is only requested when strictly necessary (e.g. if Safari is selected as targeted browser)
  • Jira: Better handling of "No cloud id available" error during authorization
  • Root Search now detects URLs more reliably and helps you open in browser or create a Quicklink easily.
  • Fixed an issue with hotkeys not working in some rare cases by improving detection of keyboard layout changes
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash in a background
  • Fixed a bug where the pasted content in the clipboard history wasn't up-ranked
  • Fixed a bug which could prevent new apps, script commands and quicklinks from appearing in Root Search
  • Fixed a bug where Floating Notes were not restored correctly if toggled very quickly
v1.22.0August 25, 2021

Export/import preferences and data


Use Raycast on more than one Mac or like to backup your custom Raycast config? Now you can easily transfer or backup your preferences and data, with the new export and import feature.

Use the "Export Preferences & Data" command to export preferences, aliases, hotkeys, favourites, snippets, quicklinks, floating notes and other data to a "rayconfig" file. Later you can import this configuration file, using the "Import Preferences & Data" command, on the same mac or start just where you left off on a new mac.

✨ New

  • Search Menu Items: You can now disable apps in which you do not want to use the command, thus helping you continue with your favourite command palette in apps that support it while using the same shortcut to bring up this Raycast command for other apps. Go to Preferences → Extensions → Search Menu Items and select apps on the right pane.
  • Snippets: We've added a new "After Delimiter" expansion mode. In this mode, the keyword will only be expanded after entering a delimiter e.g. space or punctuation. You can now also configure the delay before immediate expansion.
  • File Search: You can now choose in preferences to search file contents, in addition to the default file name search.

💎 Improvements

  • Clipboard history: Added actions to remove recent entries
  • Clipboard history: Added option to store up to three months of copied content
  • Contacts: Added name to the Action Panel for more context
  • Improve on-login start performance
  • Search Menu Items: Search Results are no longer grouped into sections of the top-level menu and are now sorted according to the match in the menu item, helping you reach the item you need with fewer keystrokes
  • Search Menu Items: Checkmark is now displayed near items that support it and have it enabled
  • Calculator will now stay out of the way when your search term has at least one matching command, app or quicklink. We hope you wouldn't miss it too much
  • Calculator: Large numbers (up to a Trillion) is now displayed in full with local specific separators
  • File search: Now prompts for "Removable Volume" access permission if required. This enables file search on removable media such as USB sticks or hard drives.
  • File search: Down-score results in ~/Library/Group Containers
  • Window Management: Added a "Center Two Thirds" command.
  • All items in the Extension Preferences are now sorted alphabetically
  • Applications, script commands and quicklinks can now be drag'n'dropped out of root search

🐞 Fixes

  • Common navigation shortcuts of Raycast such as ⌘ W, ⌘ ⎋ and custom shortcuts you have assigned in Raycast will now work inside the Search Menu Items command as well
  • The Configure Command action panel item (⌘ ⇧ ,) on the root search will now always take you to the exact command in Preferences even if you are in a different tab or have a filter turned on
  • Disabled apps and quicklinks will now be hidden as expected when you turn on the Show only enabled filter in Extension Preferences
  • Special characters like +, & are now encoded properly when you pass them to a Quicklink or Script Command
  • Jira: Fixed an issue with the Due Date format that could cause Create Issue command to fail in certain regions
  • Scripts: Fixed an issue that would prevent TypeScript script commands from showing up in Raycast
  • Auto Input Switcher: Fixed an issue where Raycast wouldn't switch back to Pinyin input source after closing window with auto input switcher enabled
  • File Search: Fixed a crash when entering '%@' as a search term.
v1.21.0July 29, 2021

🤫 Silent Updates

We've been continuously releasing updates throughout the last year to improve the app based on your feedback. Usually, we group smaller changes together with a highlighted feature. But sometimes we want to ship a small fix or improvement without making a big fuss out of it. Today we're introducing Silent Updates to iterate even quicker. Silent Updates install in the background, they don't have any release notes and you most likely won't notice them.

Going forward we'll still release regular updates but use Silent Updates for smaller bug fixes and iterations on our upcoming API, which we are currently alpha testing. More on the latter soon 😉

💎 Improvements

  • Root Search: Add support for detecting apps or preferences via symlinked folders
  • Root Search: Add a new general action to reset the ranking of an item – you can use it to get rid of upranked search result items that you don't open often anymore
  • G Suite: Trashed Google Drive files are not shown in search results anymore
  • Calculator: Now displays results up to 10 decimal places and spells out results properly up to 2^54 (18 Quadrillion...)
  • Snippets: Add expansion options in preferences. You can now choose to expand a keyword immediately or only after entering a delimiter (such as space or a punctuation character)
  • Bookmarks: Display browser icon as a fallback if favicon is unavailable
  • Search Menu Items: Improved matching algorithm and added support for fuzzy search
  • Add a new icon for the dynamic Open in Browser command
  • Improve cold start performance, enhance in-app updates

🐞 Fixes

  • Search: Fixed an issue with a wrong ranking of results that have not been visited recently. (If needed, please run the new "Reset Ranking" action on an item in root search.)
  • Search Menu Items: Items with all submenus disabled will no longer show up
  • Fixed issue with Create Quicklink command not getting disabled properly in some cases
  • Zoom: Fixed broken authorization that would end up showing "Invalid scope" error on Zoom's website
  • Script Commands: Don't pop to root automatically if the script is still running
  • Misc: Fixed an issue where automatic input switching didn't switch back to the previous language after closing Raycast
v1.20.0July 13, 2021

🔎 Menu Items Search

Search through all menu items of the frontmost application with our latest addition to the Navigation extension. The Search Menu Items command is a great way to discover the functionality of an app without lifting your fingers from the keyboard.

✨ Pro tip: Use a global hotkey to open the Search Menu Items command, e.g. ⌥ M.

💎 Improvements

  • Linear: Add support for the new Issue Triage. Set the Triage status in the Create Issue command to add issues to your Triage team inbox. If an issue is assigned to you and has the Triage status assigned, you'll see it on the top in the Assigned Issues command.
  • Script Commands: Raycast will pop to root in fullOutput mode after a timeout same way as other commands.

🐞 Fixes

  • Linear: Fixed a bug where Linear Create Issue command would not work for some users
  • Switch Windows: Fixed issues that might have caused Raycast to crash in the background
v1.19.0July 1, 2021

🪟 Switch Windows

List all open windows of your running applications and switch instantly. Search for window titles or app names and use the action panel to perform common window or application related actions.

✨ New

  • Window Management: Use presets to assign default hotkeys of Magnet, Rectangle, or Spectacle to window management commands via Raycast Preferences → Extensions → Window Management.

💎 Improvements

  • Calendar: Overlapping events from previous days are now shown in the today section
  • System command: Change step size of the Turn Volume Up/Down command to 5%
  • Quicklink: Now shows favicon for links selected to open with more browsers including Vivaldi, Safari Technology Preview, and Firefox Developer Edition

🐞 Fixes

  • Calculator: Fixed issue in which strings like "time in london" showed the local time as result
  • Quicklink: Fixed issue with alias not working properly in some cases
v1.18.0June 16, 2021

🔎 File Search


We've been hard at work on improvements to File Search. There is a new filter menu so you can choose between searching all files on your Mac or just your user files. Results are more accurate and relevant than ever; we've also improved the algorithm, so it should be easier to surface results whether you search by name or for a specific file type. We've also improved compatibility with iCloud Drive.

✨ New

  • Script Commands: Added support for secure inputs that can be used for passing passwords to scripts. To enable add "secure": true to the argument configuration. More details in documentation.

💎 Improvements

  • File search: Added a filter so you can search for all files on your Mac or just your user files.
  • File search: Results are more accurate and relevant; we also suppress results from system files and other locations such as ~/Library.
  • File search: Improved compatibility with iCloud Drive.
  • File search: You can now toggle the file detail view to show file paths in the results list.
  • My Schedule: Improved performance by fetching only events of the next month instead of the next quarter
  • My Schedule: Now you can join Facebook Workplace video calls straight from Raycast
  • Contacts: Added action to call phone number with iPhone
  • Calculator: Now supports conversion between any two units without needing to specify a number e.g. USD to EUR, kg to pounds...
  • Clipboard history: Added a "Save as Snippet" action to save clipboard items as a new snippet.
  • Snippets: You can now view information about a snippet, such as the modification date and copy count.

🐞 Fixes

  • Reminders: Setting due date from action panel will now be reflected in Apple's Reminders.
  • Calculator: Natural logarithm for negative values now returns error as expected.
  • Currency Conversion: Currency rates should now update correctly after refreshing.
  • Currency Conversion: Fixed aliases for Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. Added yen, won aliases for Japanese and South Koren currencies.
  • Fixed a bug (Catalina only) where the login status for some services was not updated in the user interface.
v1.17.0June 3, 2021

💻 WWDC21


We teamed up with to make it easy to keep up with this year's schedule. You can search for all sessions by title, topic or day in Raycast. If you have the WWDC app installed, you can favorite, download and watch all videos during next week and the days after. The command will be available after the keynote.

✨ New

  • Quicklinks: Added support for up to 3 arguments. Time to say good bye to more of your scripts!

💎 Improvements

  • My Schedule: Added an action to copy the conference link of an event in case you want to share it or open it in a different browser
  • Snippets: Improved app compatibility when expanding snippets
  • Snippets: Expansion now works with non-activating apps e.g. Spotlight
  • Snippets: Correcting keywords during typing is now more reliable
  • Snippets: Expansion preserves the delimiter, if entered to trigger completion
  • Script Commands: Added /opt/homebrew/bin to default $PATH

🐞 Fixes

  • Root search: Dismissing action panel no longer selects search field text
v1.16.0May 26, 2021

⚡️ Snippet expansion


Snippet expansion comes to Raycast. Simply type the snippet keyword in any app to have it auto-expand in-place. It's great for emails, code, messages or just flipping the table (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ .

To enable the expansion for existing snippets use the "Edit Snippet" action to add a keyword. You can add a keyword straight away when creating new snippets.

✨ New

  • New command to toggle Bluetooth

💎 Improvements

  • Set function keys (F1 ... F20) as global hotkeys for apps or commands. They work with and without modifier keys
  • Window position is now persisted between launches of the app
  • Preferences: Items in the Extensions pane are now sorted alphabetically when searching
  • Quicklinks: Added a confirmation alert before deleting Quicklinks to prevent accidental deletions
  • Quicklinks: Added action to duplicate a Quicklink, just press ⌘ D with the Quicklink selected from root search. Editing is also now much easier, using ⌘ E and the same form
  • Clipboard History: Now you can drag'n'drop content out of clipboard history to other apps
  • Root Search: More locations for preference panes and nested apps from app packages are detected by default
  • Root Search: Configure any command or app by pressing ⌘ ⇧ , . It opens the preferences window and selects the item, so that you can set a hotkey or an alias easily.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where disabled apps showed up in the suggestions on the root search
  • Calculator: Fixed an issue with crypto conversion where Ethereum currency symbols were mixed up
  • Reminders: Fixed an issue where setting Due Date is not reflected in Apple’s Reminders apps
  • Quicklinks: Fixed an issue which leads to a crash sometimes when changing a Quicklink’s name in the preferences pane
  • Fixed regression in “Open In Browser” command, which sometimes didn’t open the proper URL
v1.15.1May 19, 2021

🏎 Snippets


You can now create short text snippets within Raycast. Great for jotting down ideas, notes, code, or just the shopping list 😃. Colors can also be stored as snippets, great for designers 🎨. You can easily copy snippets to the clipboard or paste them directly into the active application.

Use the Create Snippet command to add new snippets. View your existing snippets using the Search Snippets command. Enjoy 🎉.

✨ New

  • Window Management: New commands to make windows smaller and larger

💎 Improvements

  • You can now paste any link into the Raycast search bar and one of the results will be the "Create Quicklink" command, which will copy the link as well
  • Create Quicklink form automatically updates the default app to open with, when you enter any link
  • Link validation is now more permissive in Create Quicklink form. If you think some app can open a link, we won't restrict that.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where links copied from Microsoft Edge didn't get stored by the Clipboard History
  • Fixed profile recognition in Chromium browsers (Chrome and Brave) and Firefox
  • Deleting a Quicklink will maintain the row position in the root search
  • Changing a Quicklink's name or app in the preferences will now reflect all over Raycast instantly
  • Fixed an issue where login to some services wouldn't work in Preferences
v1.14.0May 12, 2021

🔗 Quicklinks


You're going to love this! Everything you need to access quickly can be a Quicklink from now. Open frequently visited links in the browser, open project folders in your favorite IDE or Terminal, jump to your loved Spotify playlist and use queries to perform searches on Google, Dribbble or other websites. The best thing is that you can access it directly from within the root search.

Use the Create Quicklink command to add new links by specifying the name, link and the app that it should be opened with.

Go to Raycast Preferences → Extensions → Quicklinks to manage all your links.

💎 Improvements

  • My Schedule: If an event is still running, it will be selected when opening the command
  • Linear: Added a preference for remembering the last selected project in Create Issue command
  • Hotkey Recorder: It's now possible to use hotkeys previously reported as used by the system when recording a hotkey

🐞 Fixes

  • Browser Bookmarks: Fixes for crashes produced by malformed Firefox .ini files and invalid bookmark entries
  • Root Search: Fixed a bug where a single search result could still be returned despite the item being disabled in preferences
  • Calendar: Declined events will no longer show up in the My Schedule Command
  • Calculator: Fixes an issue where the currency rates refresh time could be incorrect
  • Window management: Fixes an issue where resized windows sometimes fell off the screen
  • Fixed an issue for creating Linear issues without a title
  • Fixed an issue where a subtitle wouldn't be displayed for Draft items
  • Fixed an issue where multiple images wouldn't be displayed in the changelog
  • Fixed an issue where hotkeys could be unavailable after their command is removed
v1.13.0April 28, 2021

🦊 Firefox Bookmarks

We've added support for searching your Firefox bookmarks via the "Search Browser Bookmarks" extension. In addition to Chrome, Brave and Safari, you can now enable Firefox in the extension preferences and choose your profile in case you use multiple different ones.

✨ New

  • Window management: Added new commands to rescale the focused window to fourth, three fourths and sixth of the screen.
  • Linear: Added a new action Copy Branch Name for an issue.
  • Bookmarks: Support for Firefox bookmarks and multi-depth folder search on all browsers.

💎 Improvements

  • Clipboard History: Added Quick Look to files and images.
  • File Search: Toggle Quick Look when pressing ⌘ L or ⌘ Y again.
  • File Search: Added ⌘ Y as a secondary keyboard shortcut to toggle Quick Look.
  • Root Search: When you have multiple apps with the same name in different paths, we now show more context information about the application location in the subtitle.
  • Root Search: Added ability to hide individual applications in Preferences > Extensions > Apps (the checkbox was previously disabled).
  • Linear: The Archive action has been updated to Delete.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause Empty Trash command to not work in some cases
  • Fixed a crash when "Macintosh HD" was added to the Spotlight privacy list and filesystem-based indexing was activated in Raycast Preferences > Advanced
  • Fixed searches in Clipboard History when using SQLite wildcards (i.e. _ and %).
  • Fixed a misalignment where windows didn't respect the preferred gap.
  • Fixed a crash when selecting events in the "My Schedule" command that was caused by invalid emails of participants.
  • Fixed an issue where newly created reminders have empty notes.
  • Ignore malformed browser bookmark entries, letting the bookmark parsing process continue.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause scripts from nested directories to appear in Raycast on changes
v1.12.0April 13, 2021

🔔 Improved Reminders


We found some long lost love in the Reminders extension and improved multiple aspects of it. You can now see the Lists to which each reminder belongs represented by a colored dot and when required use the new filter to view reminders from only a single list.

Organizing reminders while creating them is much easier now with the change in position of the list selector. Reminders in each section are sorted by due date and you can edit due dates from Raycast without needing to open the app!

🕹 More System Commands


We've extended the list of our built-in system commands. Meet new commands:

  • 🕵️‍♀️ Toggle Hidden Files
  • 🌗 Toggle System Appearance
  • 🗑 Empty Trash
  • 🚪 Log Out
  • 💿 Eject All Disks
  • 🔌 Shutdown
  • 🔁 Restart
  • 💥 Quit All Applications

Missing something? Let us know using the built-in Send Feedback command. And don't forget to check out the script-commands built by our community, there are a lot of handy ones.

✨ New

  • File Search: Quick Look Preview panel which can be activated from the action panel or with hotkey ⌘ L
  • Window Management: New preference to set gap between windows
  • Preferences: You can now customize on which screen Raycast should appear when you're using multiple displays. Navigate to Preferences → Advanced to configure it

💎 Improvements

  • Clipboard History: Added file size for copied files and images to the metadata table
  • Clipboard History: Added the application that the content got copied from to the metadata table
  • Markdown: Inline code is now more legible and easier to read
  • Root Search: Apps that do not have a "bundle identifier" are now listed in search results
  • Root Search: You can add custom directories to be searched for apps via Raycast Preferences → Extensions → Applications
  • Root Search: Now only primary action affects ranking of apps and commands
  • Calculator: Added a couple of new actions to swap units for unit conversions and to copy question and answer for any of your calculations.
  • Script Commands: Add actions to copy script contents and move script to trash
  • Script Commands: Silent and non-refreshable inline scripts now show a ⚠️ at the beginning of the output in case of an error
  • Script Commands: Add support for 8-bit and TrueColor (24-bit) ANSI escape codes
  • Script Commands: Add refreshTime parameter for inline scripts to the "Create Script Command" command
  • Linear: Support extended estimation scales
  • Changelog: Show month and year for releases in the previous year.
  • Global Hotkeys: When using global hotkey to show an application, pressing this hotkey again will hide the app. This way you can hotkeys to toggle the apps. Same behavior now applies to commands.
  • Raycast now doesn't quit on ⌘ Q to avoid accidental quitting of the app. In order to close the app search for "Quit Raycast" command or use menu in the status bar.
  • Preferences: "Preview" preferences tab was renamed to "Advanced"
  • Increased the area by which Raycast window can be dragged around

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed issues with automatic updates
  • Fixed a bug where pinned items of the Clipboard history got removed
  • Fixed quick selection on AZERTY keyboard layouts
  • Fixed an issue where launching issues in the Linear desktop app takes a few seconds
  • Fixed an issue with the spacing of the title tab in large font size
  • Fixed an issue where token field placeholder would display the wrong text
  • Fixed an issue where the localized name of an app would not be used when the experimental feature "Find apps and preferences via file system" was turned on
v1.11.0April 6, 2021

🏋️‍♀️ Adjustable Font Sizes


You can now increase the font size in the Appearance tab in the Preferences window. The size is applied to the most frequently used screens and icons are resized accordingly as well. This makes Raycast more accessible and pleasant for users who prefer larger text.

🔢 Quick selection


Whilst holding down the key, you'll now see numbers for each list item appear to make your decision a lot quicker and easier. Quickly select an item from the list by pressing + 1 … 9. No more counting down the list!

💎 Improvements

  • File Search: Finds more results for partial search terms and has improved performance in some cases
  • Script Commands: Remember template and mode in the Create Script Command for quicker creation
  • Script Commands: Automatically watch the directory of new scripts if necessary
  • Script Commands: Enable selection of hidden directories
  • Linear: Add action to archive issues
  • Linear: Saving last used project for Create Issue command
  • Linear: Links in issues detail are clickable now
  • Calculator is more context-aware in that it will not just pop up whenever you enter a number, making searches the more natural choice.
  • Calculator now supports exclamation mark (!) to compute factorials

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed issues with the output of special characters in script commands
  • Increased amount of labels and assignees to load for Linear's Create Issue screen
  • Fixed issue with unexpected state and background color in the secondary button
  • When you refresh currency conversion rates, the updated time will be immediately reflected in the Calculator
  • Calculator now shows TimeZone with adjusted offset for Daylight Savings
  • Fixed crashes in Calculator for certain edge case inputs
  • Fixed typos in Romanian and Moldovan currencies
  • Fixed an issue when scripts wouldn't get reloaded automatically
v1.10.0March 16, 2021

✨ M1 Support


It's happening. Support for M1 is here. Unleash the full power of Macs that are spec'd with Apple Silicon chips. Geek info: To keep the size of our updates small, you only download the architecture you need.

💎 Improvements

  • Script Commands: Added colored output support for inline scripts
  • Script Commands: Added an action to copy output of compact mode scripts to the toast
  • Script Commands: Improve folder watching to avoid unnecessary reloads
  • Clipboard History: Added a preference to specify for how long the history should be kept. Choose between 24 hours, 7 days or 30 days
  • Clipboard History: Select first un-pinned item, use 1...9 shortcut to select pinned items
  • Calculator: Added metadata for more operators. Whether you type "plus" or "+", "x" or "*", we got you covered

🐞 Fixes

  • Calculator: Ignore the calculator result if the search text matches an alias
  • Calculator: Fixed casing issues in temperature conversions. "32 f to c", "40 c to F" all get you the exact degrees you need
  • Fixed a bug when sending an email to all attendees of a calendar event
  • Fixed a problem where the clipboard history stopped working
  • Fixed a bug where the Restore command of the Window Management extension didn't work
  • Fixed a crash during automatic updates
v1.9.0March 8, 2021

⚙️ New Extensions Preferences

Extension Preferences

We've revamped the Extensions tab in Preferences, making it easier to search and manage your commands and scripts. You can also set aliases and hotkeys right from this list (Note: The shortcuts tab was removed since it's no longer needed).

🔢 Calculator


We've added a bunch of little upgrades to our already powerful calculator. It now shows you more context when making calculations, and a last updated timestamp on currencies.

For example, typing 400+200 will show 600 as normal, but now with the written version in the label. Currencies now show the name of the currency, and timezones will show the absolute time as extra context, plus many more!

✨ New

  • History: Press in an empty root search to navigate through previously searched terms. Previous calculations and scripts with arguments are supported as well.

💎 Improvements

  • Navigation: Pressing the delete (backspace) key to go back now also work on screens without a search bar
  • Reminders: "Create Reminder" command now supports draft mode. Your changes won't be lost if you go back to root search while having an unfinished reminder.
  • Added an action to show info in Finder for apps in the root search
  • Added an action to open a script command after it was created
  • Added an action to duplicate a script command and open it in the default editor
  • Improved support for Chinese and other non-latin character sets in the root search

🐞 Fixes

  • Script Commands: Fixed an issue that might have caused scripts to not finish properly in fullOutput mode
  • Script Commands: Fixed an issue where the package name isn't set when creating a new command
  • Script Commands: Fixed issues with terminal codes to support UTF16 character handling.
  • Asana: Fixed an issue with descriptions not rendering newlines properly
  • Root Search: Fixed an edge case where items with assigned single-letter aliases could not be found in the root search
  • File Search: Fixed some edge cases and an issue where search terms with double quotes did not work
  • Fixed an issue where Raycast sometimes didn't restart after updates
v1.8.0February 18, 2021

💎 Improvements

  • Root Search: Now you can use 1...9 shortcut to quickly jump to N-th item in the list
  • Script Commands: Added support for terminal colors in fullOutput mode 🎨
  • Script Commands: Added URL detection for fullOutput mode making them clickable and available via the action panel
  • Navigation: Pressing delete (backspace) key will now act as "Go Back" if the search bar is empty
  • File Search: Folders can be opened with text editor apps via "Open with..." action
  • File Search: The default search scope now includes all locally mounted volumes and the home directory
  • Calculator: Support for noon/midday and midnight in time calculations
  • Calculator: Support for crypto currencies, e.g. Bitcoin or Dogecoin
  • G Suite: If you are logged into multiple accounts in the browser and use Raycast to create a new Google doc, it will now be created under the account you use in Raycast
  • G Suite: By default, all drives you're a member of will now be searched
  • Create Script: Added author, authorURL, description fields
  • Create Script: Added templates for Python, Ruby, NodeJS. Improved code templates to help with arguments handling for each of supported languages.
  • Calendar: Added support to launch Microsoft Teams, Skype, Cisco Webex, Jitsi, BlueJeans, Whereby video calls directly from Raycast. No more searching for links, instead just press a key.
  • Calendar: In My Schedule, the Welcome greeting with details about today's events will stay at the top even while scrolling down the events list for quick info.
  • Forms: Token fields now support images, f.e. GitHub assignees now show the avatar or Linear labels a colored circle.
  • Jira: Added an action to copy issue key and title
  • Root Search: Global hotkey will be displayed for selected command or app if it's set
  • Mission Control: The Raycast window is now "transient" and does not show up in mission control any more
  • Browser Bookmarks: Bookmarks can now be searched in folders via the search term, e.g. "dev swift" or "swift dev" would find the bookmark "swift" in the folder/tag "dev" – works for all folders listed in the filter dropdown

🐞 Fixes

  • Calendar: Fixed Zoom meetings detection in Calendar Events allowing to directly join Zoom meeting in native application
  • Reminders: Fixed an issue where reminders created in Raycast wouldn't trigger notification on macOS/iOS
  • Browser Bookmarks: Fixed showing the top-level folders for Chrome and Brave in the filter dropdown; fixed the naming for Safari "Favourites"
v1.7.0February 3, 2021

✨ New Linear Features


The Linear extension got an upgrade! New joiners can use OAuth to sign with one-click, while existing users can continue to use their API token. We added a new command to show issues of the Active Cycle. The command works across teams and you can select a specific one that you're part of.

Sub-issues are ideal when you need to group more work. They're also great for breaking down tasks if different assignees work on the same issue. You can specify the parent issue when creating a new issue or select it via the Action Panel.

Estimates are a great way of communicating the complexity of each issue to calculate whether a cycle has more room left. You can estimate issues in Raycast via the Action Panel for existing issues or when creating new ones.

Last, we added actions to add or remove labels, change project and move issues to the next cycle.

💎 Improvements

  • Browser Bookmarks: Improved loading and syncing of bookmarks
  • Browser Bookmarks: A new dropdown menu in the bookmarks list allows you to select a specific top-level folder to show
  • Browser Bookmarks: Added disk caching for Safari Reading List icons
  • Window Management: Added a new command to restore the previous position and size of the focused window.
  • Script Commands: Non-executable script command files will be automatically converted to executables when importing in Raycast
  • Calculator: Many improvements around dates and time, such as support for airports as timezones ("10am sfo to lhr"), military-style timestamps ("1945h + 30 mins"), relative times ("tomorrow in 1 week", "now in 3 days", "today in 2 weeks"), improperly formatted dates, volume to weight conversions, and more
  • Calendar: Added support for Around to join meetings in the desktop app

🐞 Fixes

  • Root: Fixed a bug where some apps didn't have a title.
v1.6.0January 20, 2021

💎 Improvements

  • Calculator: A lot of improvements around fractions, time unit phrases, clock times, week numbers, performance
  • Preview Features: A new preview feature checkbox in preferences ("Boost ranking by previous searches") enables increasing the ranking score of an item when a search term was previously used to open that item
  • Root Search: We accelerated the decay of ranking scores when an app or command hasn't been opened recently
  • Root Search: Additional keywords of some apps and preferences are now searchable
  • Root Search: We now show results even if you slightly misspelled app or command names
  • Browser Bookmarks: Frequently and recently visited bookmark items are sorted to the top
  • Browser Bookmarks: Added support for the Brave browser
  • Browser Bookmarks: For Chrome and Brave, you can now choose a different profile via preferences
  • Window Management: Added a command to toggle fullscreen
  • Window Management: Added commands to move the focused window to the edges of the screen
  • Floating Notes: Double click the toolbar to re-position the floating window to the top right corner

🐞 Fixes

  • Root Search: Fixed finding app and command names containing diacritic marks (e.g., é, ü)
  • Root Search: Fixed a regression that slowed down root search
  • Calendar: Fixed an issue where Raycast would prevent your Mac to sleep
  • Calendar: Fixed badly formatted tooltips for video conference data
  • Jira: Fixed a case where the create issue form could not be displayed when the summary field was removed from the screen configuration in classic projects
  • Jira: Issue key is now always uppercased in "Copy Branch Name" action
  • Preview Features: Fixed the app not being restarted after changing certain features
  • Preview Features: Fixed a bug with the "Find apps and preferences via file system" preview where apps with the same display name would not show up properly in root search
  • Browser Bookmarks: Fixed a bug where favicons could not be displayed
v1.5.1December 22, 2020

That's it. It's our last release for 2020 😱 We wrapped up the year with a hackathon and a bug bash. The update is packed with small improvements and we couldn't resist to release some of our hacks. It's been great to rock this crazy year with all of you. We'll close the virtual Raycast HQ for a couple of days to recharge. See you all in 2021 🎆

🔖 Browser Bookmarks

We've added a new and frequently requested extension for searching your browser bookmarks. Search your bookmarks by name, domain, or tag, and open and copy links via the Action Panel. You can enable the extension in the preferences and choose your browser sources–currently we support the default profile of Chrome and Safari including reading list items. Happy browsing!


📝 Floating Notes

During the hackathon, we built a simple notes extension that stays on top of all other windows. The notes are a great way to write down your daily to-dos, prepare a tweet or jot down a thought you want to pick up later. You can enable Floating Notes in Preferences → Extensions.

💡 Pro tip: Use shortcuts to toggle the notes window for even quicker access.


✨ New

  • Auto-switch Keyboard Layout: Now you can enforce Raycast to always switch to English input source when opening the window. Can be useful for people who often jump between english and other languages. You can enable this feature in Preferences → Preview tab.

💎 Improvements

  • Calculator: Improved copying of unformatted answers (e.g., does not copy currency symbol)
  • Calculator: Added action to replace input with answer for multi-step calculations
  • Linear: Added fallback search for issues
  • Reminders: Improved sorting for reminders with due dates
  • Reminders: Added time for due dates inline for quicker readability
  • G Suite: Added action to open files in Google Chrome
  • Dashboard Scripts: Added last refresh time to command palette title
  • Dashboard Scripts: Added display of alias shortcuts
  • Clipboard History: Added support for formatted / rich text
  • Clipboard History: Added a preference to set direct paste as primary action
  • File Search: Now you can drag files out of Raycast window using mouse
  • File Search: Calendar events, contacts card data and contact groups are not displayed any more in the list of search results
  • File Search: Improved preview display performance for certain file types
  • Preferences: Added keyboard navigation ( + / ) for the extension list
  • Preferences: The empty "buffer" area below lists can now be scrolled

🐞 Fixes

  • Window management: Fixed a bug where windows with their center outside of the screen couldn't be moved or scaled
  • Reminders: Fix keyboard shortcut to create reminder and close Raycast window afterwards
  • Reminders: Fixed opening the date picker drop down when a number is entered
  • Calendar: Fixed a bug when joining Zoom calls would fail when Zoom wasn't installed
  • Preferences: Fixed a bug where preference shortcuts where broken after entering an alias
v1.4.0December 10, 2020

👤 Contacts


Use our new Contacts extension to look up your contact's details. Search for a contact by simply typing their name and use the Action Panel to start an email, copy information, call the person and more.

🖼 Enhanced Clipboard History

The Clipboard History now supports images, files, links and colors in addition to text. Filter by content type to search what you've copied before. New actions allow to reveal files in the Finder, open links in the browser or copy colors in different formats.


✨ New

  • Shortcuts: You can now assign aliases and hotkeys to apps and system preferences
  • System: New commands for "Sleep" and "Sleep Displays"

💎 Improvements

  • Performance: General improvements to make the app snappier
  • Script Inputs: Added support for percent encoding input. Add "percentEncoded": true to input's metadata json and Raycast will make the argument safe for URL queries.
  • GitHub: Repository search now include forks when in "My Repositories" mode
  • Calendar: Select first upcoming meeting in My Schedule command
  • Root Search: Results with aliases set are downranked when the alias is not matched

🐞 Fixes

  • Script Commands: Fixed an issue with wrong file extensions for the scaffolding command
  • Dictionary: Fixed an issue with wrong preferences being displayed
  • GitHub: Fixed pull request detail descriptions not being fully displayed
  • Hacker News: Fixed opening links in browser for some cases
v1.3.0December 2, 2020

📕 Dictionary


With the new Dictionary extension, you can easily get the definition of words and phrases. It supports all sources from the system Dictionary app and additionally checks spelling.

🖼 Window Management

The new Window Management extension lets you move and scale other application windows with ease. Maximize, center or layout windows with a few keystrokes. And assign global hotkeys to perform common ones even quicker.


🤖 Script Commands Improvements

  • New Command: Create Script Command will allow you to quickly create script files with all required metadata and permission flags.
  • Optional Arguments: You can now specify if an argument is optional. See documentation on how to use optional field.
  • Dark Theme Icons Support: You can now use different icons depending on which app theme is selected. Use @raycast.iconDark parameter to specify the icon for dark theme.
  • Error Output: We improved the output when a script run fails, and scripts with silent mode now show a HUD toast on error.
  • Changed shortcut for copying output of inline scripts to Cmd Shift C to make it consistent with fullOutput mode

💎 Improvements

  • File Search: You can now specify multiple folders to search by using in and a list of folders, such as: myfile in ~/downloads ~/projects. Tip: if the folder path contains a space, put the path in quotes ("/folder/path/with a/space")
  • Jira: The sorting order for custom JQL filters ("My Filters" list) is not overridden any more
  • Calculator: Use system currency as default to allow quicker conversions, f.e. if you have £ as your system currency, you can type $5 and get it directly converted into pounds
  • Calculator: Added a new secondary action to copy the unformatted answer
  • Search: Now skips quotes and brackets when searching for words
  • Navigation: Typing alias + space expands associated command now. E.g. if you assign fs alias to File Search, typing fs + space will automatically go inside File Search command.
  • Preferences: Pressing Cmd Q now when preferences window is active only closes the window and doesn't kill the app

🐞 Fixes

  • Clipboard History: Fixed a bug when copying a clipboard entry failed
  • Script Commands: Fixed a bug where a script input field would be focused when it shouldn't
  • Script Commands: Fixed a bug where icon and title of scripts with arguments wouldn't change sometimes in the search bar
  • Shortcuts: Fixed scrolling for long shortcuts lists in preferences
  • Calculator: Fixed using outdated rates for currency conversions
  • Fixed a bug where permission windows appeared behind Raycast
  • Fixed a bug when the Raycast window wouldn't appear in full screen mode if Raycast preferences window is open
v1.2.0November 19, 2020

🤖 Arguments for Script Commands

Arguments for Script Commands

Script Commands are a great way to extend Raycast. We're happy to announce custom arguments for scripts — starting with text inputs. Arguments allow you to go even further with tailoring Raycast to your needs. See our documentation for how to use them.

💡Pro tip: When typing alias + space, Raycast automatically moves focus to the first input field.

🐱 GitHub Repository Search

The new Search Repository command allows to find repositories on GitHub by name or owner. Open repositories in the browser or copy information such as the name or the URL via the Action Panel.

GitHub Repository Search

Feature Previews

We added a new tab to the preferences to try out features and changes before they become officially part of the app. We may change those features based on your feedback.

Feature Previews

These are the first two feature previews:

  • Pop To Root: Define when Raycast should pop to the root search after closing the window
  • App Search: Use our custom indexing instead of Spotlight's index

💎 Improvements

  • We now prevent the app from silently being terminated by macOS under certain conditions
  • Improved searching for localized application and preference names
  • Script errors are shown inline in refreshable items

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where no toast was shown when a script command failed to refresh
  • Fixed recording keyboard shortcuts with arrow and other special keys
  • Fixed an issue when Raycast became unresponsive while launching applications
  • Fixed an issue that would make tooltips misaligned in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with refreshable scripts not hiding the progress toast on error
  • Linear: Fixed an issue that would prevent from creating Linear Issue when using quotes in title
  • Asana: Fixed an issue that could cause errors when using Asana integration for some legacy projects
  • Clipboard History: Fixed an issue where the list wasn’t reloaded after removing all entries

⚠️ After the update, you have to re-enable the Zoom extension. Sorry for the inconvenience.

v1.1.0November 11, 2020

✨ New

  • Preferences: You can now hide the Raycast icon from the menu bar via the Appearance tab
  • Preferences: We’ve added a new shiny About tab
  • GitHub: Perform more actions on pull requests and issues — “Add Assignee”, “Request Review”, “Add Project”, and “Set Milestone”

💎 Improvements

  • App Search: In addition to their localized display name, apps can now be found via file name
  • Calculator: You can now use lowercase "f" and "c" for Fahrenheit / Celsius conversion
  • Calculator: Modulo now works for % sign, e.g. 7%4 returns 3
  • Clipboard History: Ignore content copied from password managers
  • Navigation: Ctrl P and Ctrl N can be used to select the previous or the next item in a list
  • Script Commands: Added more actions to refreshable items (Show in Finder, Open with...)
  • Improved the speed of showing Raycast window when pressing the hotkey
  • Preference commands in the root search got new icons
  • Added Internet Access Policy for Little Snitch

🐞 Fixes

  • Jira: Fixed a case where the wrong base URL would be used for opening issue details in browser. (If you’re experiencing that issue, please re-login into Jira via extension preferences).
  • GitHub: Fixed the “Copy Branch Name” action for pull requests
  • Hotkey Recorder: Fixed an issue that would prevent some users from recording some key combination in international keyboard layouts
  • Clipboard History: Fixed an issue where clipboard history was still recording when disabled
  • Fixed an issue that could've caused a crash in the background and some weird behavior
  • Fixed a regression with relative dates in the calculator
v1.0.0October 29, 2020

Raycast is now available for everyone

We're live! Today, we're making Raycast available for everyone. Thanks for being part of the beta!

raycast-1 0-release-notes-screenshot

🤓 Media: Hacker News

Although Raycast tries to help you being more productive, some procrastination now and then is unavoidable. Consuming relevant news has now become prettier with our built-in Hacker News reader: Quickly scan through the top stories of the front page or switch to the "Show HN" list. You'll see the number of comments for each story and you can easily open the links and detail pages as usual via actions and shortcuts. The command can be enabled via the new Media package in preferences.


💎 Improvements

  • Calendar: Links of conference calls in the location field of an event are now properly parsed and you can join these meetings from Raycast as well.

🐞 Fixes

  • Root Search: Fixed an issue with numeric searches and ranking.
  • Jira: Fixed a bug where token-based fields (components, fix versions) would not correctly update.
v0.33.3October 27, 2020

📹 Zoom


Our Zoom integration has now been approved and is available to you as new package with a number of handy commands (enable via preferences): Start Meeting lets you instantly create a new Zoom meeting, opens the app, and copies the join link for easy sharing to the clipboard. With Schedule Meeting some more options are available to you to set a start time, duration, meeting topic, and agenda. The command Upcoming Meetings presents an ordered list of your next meetings with actions for joining, copying meeting information, or even deleting meetings.

💎 Improvements

  • Script Commands: Added easier reloading of added script directories with new command Reload Script Directories. Also, we've added (experimental) support for auto reloading of scripts. Just open script commands preferences and activate the new checkbox.
  • Root Search: URLs entered into the main input field can now be opened directly from Raycast.
  • Jira: The issue creation form supports setting epics and parents in next-gen projects.
  • Github: Added remote search for repositories in Create Issue and Create Pull Request forms
  • Github: Added a new action for copying a branch name of the pull request
  • Clipboard History: Added a secondary action to directly paste a clipboard history entry. Hit to paste the selected entry to the frontmost application (this time for real).

🐞 Fixes

  • Jira: Fixed a bug where loading of some lists would never finish
  • Github: Fixed a bug where images could not be displayed in pull request and issue details
  • Github: Fixed a rare error when the notification does not have any “subject” information
  • Linear: Fixed a bug where "Create Issue" command wouldn't work
  • File Search: Fixed a bug where the share action would not work
  • Shortcuts: Fixed a bug where pressing command hotkey again (e.g. Clipboard History) wouldn't work
  • Navigation: Fixed mixed up K / J shortcuts for moving up/down in lists
  • App Search: Fixed keyboard shortcuts to quit and force quit applications
  • Calendar: Fixed an issue where opening an event in Calendar app wouldn't get highlighted

⚠️ Other

  • We trimmed down "My" word in some command names. E.g. previously "My Open Issues" Jira command is now called "Open Issues".
v0.32.2October 21, 2020

🎹 Shortcuts for commands


Welcome a new Preference panel Shortcuts, where you can configure aliases and hotkeys for commands to make it even quicker to open them. Thanks for asking!

Aliases are prioritized in the root search. They let you find commands with a few characters regardless of whether they have been used recently or frequently. This supports you in building muscle memory and navigating faster in Raycast.

Hotkeys make it possible to open a command with a global keyboard shortcut. For example, you can set V to open the Clipboard History from anywhere on your desktop. This way you gain some extra speed.

🐱 GitHub: Clear your notifications

Notifications keep you responsive on GitHub across your repositories, organizations and teams. We added a new Notifications command that lets you sort out quickly what needs your attention. You can filter by repository, mark notifications as read and open them in the browser.


💎 Improvements

  • Root Search: Installed Chrome apps can now also be found and launched via root search.
  • Root Search: Added initial command suggestions based on the onboarding selections.
  • File Search: Entered search terms are now combined with a logical AND so that results can be better narrowed down.
  • File Search: Added more actions to copy files and file names, show info in the finder, move files to the trash, and to share files to other macOS applications.
  • Calculator: Updated to support the ** operator, e.g. both 2**3 and 2^3 now show 8 as result.
  • Changelog: Added a new command to see updates of the previous versions in the app.
  • GitHub: Added tooltips to dropdowns with branches in Create Pull Request.
  • GitHub: We’re loading more labels now, you should be fine if the repo has got less than 100.

🐞 Fixes

  • Calendar: Fixed a bug where start/end times in the My Schedule command showed up in 24-Hour time format. We now respect the time format of your Mac's Language & Region preferences.
  • Jira: Fixed a bug where no project would be selected by default when creating issues.
  • Jira: Fixed an issue where the create-issue form would not be rendered due to missing project permissions.
  • GitHub: Fixed a rare problem with bad credentials.
  • GitHub: Fixed order of Workflow Runs, to match the one from the website.
v0.31.0October 16, 2020

⭐️ Favorites

Raycast suggests your recently and frequently commands and apps but sometimes you want to have a fixed selection when opening Raycast. Now you can favorite any command or app to let it appear at the top of the root search. Hit Command K in the root to open the Action Panel and search for favorites to add, remove, and move items.


🤖 Dashboards

Want to take a quick glance on how many pull requests need your attention or how your stock portfolio performs?! Use the new inline mode and refreshTime metadata for Script Commands to show the output of your scripts directly in the root search of Raycast. The commands can run with a custom schedule so that your output stays fresh or your script is performed in the background for you. Find examples and documentation in this repository.


Tip: Favorite your dashboard item to show it always at the top of the root search.

💎 Improvements

  • Jira: Projects and filters are now searchable and not limited to a fixed number of entries any more.
  • Command W now also pops to the root search in addition to closing the Raycast window. It's a quick way to reset Raycast for your next interaction.
  • Improved performance of the root search.
  • Reduced the timeout before Raycast resets to the root search when the window is hidden.
  • Slightly increased font size in the search bar to improve readability.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an indexing issue where apps rarely would not show up in root search.
  • Fixed a bug where pinned entries of the Clipboard History didn't show up.
  • GitHub: Fixed an issue where some repositories wouldn't be available in the dropdown.
  • GitHub: Fixed an issue where the number of comments for issues and pull requests was displayed incorrectly.

⚠️ Important: We changed permission scopes required to use GitHub so you will be asked to re-login to use this extension. To be more specific, we added scope read:org to be able to search repositories in your org and notifications for upcoming command that we’re building. Sorry for the inconvenience.

v0.30.0October 7, 2020

🗃 G Suite: Search, create and open files

Need to find a project plan or the roadmap of the quarter? No more crawling your browser's history! Use our new commands to access your Google documents, slides and spreadsheets. You can open or download them or copy a link for easy sharing. The extension also has commands to quickly create new documents.

G Suite

✅ Linear: Create, search and complete issues

We use Linear for issue tracking and share our internal extension with you. The team utilizes it to create issues from anywhere on the desktop. And to check what needs our attention with the My Assigned Issues command. The extension also has a global search to find issues by title or description.


🐱 GitHub: Check, re-run and cancel workflow runs

The GitHub extension got a new command: Workflow Runs. Use it to check recent runs of your automation workflows. Hit Command-K to re-run or delete the workflow run as well as open it in a browser.


💎 Improvements

  • Added alerts for destructive actions to treat irrevserible actions with attention.
  • Added an action to quit and force quit running application. Hit Command-K on the root search to perform the actions.
  • Improved ranking when search term more closely matches the name of an app or command.
  • Jira: Show avatar as icon for the assign to me / un-assign from me action.
  • Script Commands: Added support for showing confirmation alert before running a script. Use the new needsConfirmation metadata parameter. More details in documentation.
  • Script Commands: Running scripts using silent mode now displays HUD toast when executed if the script had standard output. It can be a great way to provide visual feedback.
  • Script Commands: Add support for scripts written in Swift
  • Script Commands: You can now cancel script from the toast action when it's running in compact mode
  • Asana: Improved the look of issues with empty titles
  • GitHub: Open just created issues and pull requests in Raycast from the toast

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug when new windows for running applications where always opened
  • Fixed a bug where empty applications shown up in the Open With action
  • Fixed a bug where ranking data would not be maintained when apps are updated while Raycast is running
  • Fixed a bug where Action Panel would get broken when network error happens
  • Script Commands: Fixed an issue where bash profile would spam in script command output. We don't use login shell by default now. Refer to documentation to see how to use login shell in your script.
  • GitHub: Fixed erasing of a typed text when you create a new issue or a pull request
v0.29.0September 30, 2020

🐱 Github Issues

Support for GitHub issues is here. Now you can use commands My Created Issues and My Open Issues to list and manage your backlog. Both commands work across your repositories by default. You can use a filter to select a specific repository.

Recently Created Issues

Use the Create Issue command to quickly report a bug or add an issue to your project. The command also supports issue templates provided by your repositories.

Create Issue

🤖 Script Commands

Many of you asked for it and we've listened. Now you can create your own commands using scripts. It's a great way to extend the functionality of Raycast and tailor it to your needs. Make sure to check out this repo on how to get started. We also added some handy samples that you can grab.

Pro tip: Create a repository of your script commands and share it with your teammates!

Script Commands

💎 Improvements

  • 🌊With macOS Big Sur around the corner with its new shiny design, we decided to follow the trend and modernized selection style in lists. Enjoy!
  • GitHub: Show number of comments in the My Pull Requests command
  • GitHub: Added a filter for repositories to the My Pull Requests command
  • GitHub: Show projects in the pull requests details view
  • Improved date picker to match more autocompletions and show time in hint

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where upcoming events wouldn't show up in the root search
  • Asana: Fixed a bug where the last workspace wasn't remember in the Create Task command
  • Asana: Fixed an issue where project dropdown wouldn't work in Create Task command when workspace has too many projects.
v0.28.1September 22, 2020

🌄 Asana

Welcome Asana to our family of extensions! The extension allows you to create and access tasks from anywhere on your desktop. Use the Create Task command to create and assign new tasks. The My Tasks command is handy to see all your tasks in one place, making it convenient to complete your assigned work.

My Asana Tasks

✅ Reminders

Now you have quick access to all your reminder lists of Apple's Reminders app. Use the Create Reminder command to make sure you don't forget about something. The My Reminders command shows all your open reminders, focusing on the overdue and upcoming ones.

My Reminders

Head over to the extension preferences to enable it.

💎 Improvements

  • Root Search: Added support for more partial search terms including the package name (for instance, "create jira" now finds the Create Issue command of the Jira package).
  • Jira: Added support for new date picker and date-time picker fields when creating issues.
  • GitHub: Added support for merging pull requests using all different methods. In addition to Merge as Commit, you can now Squash Merge, or Rebase and Merge. Available options depend on the repository settings.
  • GitHub: Raycast now shows colored labels of pull requests in the detail view making it easy to find the ones that you’re interested in.
  • GitHub: Added avatars to Author, Reviewers and Assignees in pull request details.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a crash in the File Search command where files couldn’t be previewed
  • Fixed saving drafts for GitHub pull request templates
v0.27.1September 16, 2020

🐱 GitHub: My Pull Requests

This week’s release adds a new command to the GitHub Extension: My Pull Requests. This command shows your pull requests split into sections like created, assigned and mentioned. The bottom section shows your recently closed pull requests, making it a perfect source of truth for your daily update.

GitHub - Pull Requests

As usually, hit (or double-click any item in the list) to view more details about a pull request, including commits, labels, reviewers, etc.

GitHub - Pull Request Details

Use the Action Panel with K to quickly merge accepted pull requests, copy their number or open them in a browser.

Have fun merging your next changes into master with Raycast!

💎 Improvements

  • Added prefetching of your most used commands so that data more often appears fresh when you open the command
  • Added new custom field types when creating Jira issues: story points, multi-selects, radio buttons
  • Added support for preloading a template from .github/ in the Create Pull Request command
  • Improved the display of values in the Jira sprint dropdown field
  • Improved visual feedback when performing actions on the Jira issue details screen
  • Improved loading times of form data when creating new Jira issues
  • You can now close Raycast window with a shortcut W
  • Added Escape as a quick way to get to the root search from everywhere
  • Added an action to delete events and event series in the My Schedule command
  • Added our Changelog to the Manual. Now you can read about all previous changes whenever it suits you best. You can also use the Changelog command to quickly open it from Raycast

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a case where a Jira issue could not be created when the sprint field was set
  • Fixed an issue with Jira authentication and logging out
  • Fixed an issue where deleted events still showed up in the My Schedule command
v0.26.3September 8, 2020

📆 Calendar: Check your schedule and join conference calls

Raycast now integrates with your Calendar. Use the My Schedule command to check your upcoming events. On the top you see a short summary of your day, followed by the upcoming days, weeks and months.

My Schedule Header

Use the Action Panel to join Zoom or Google Meet conference calls, email all attendees or take other actions.

My Schedule Action Panel

The best thing: Your next event shows up on the top of the root search. Just hit to jump into your Zoom call. It opens the app directly without any new tab.

Upcoming Event

Turn on the Calendar extension in the Preferences and gain control of your schedule.

📝 Drafts

All our form commands now support draft mode. You will not lose your changes if you press Escape in commands such as Jira Create Issue, GitHub Create Pull Request, Send Feedback, etc. You can always get back to your draft from the root search.


💎 Other improvements and fixes

  • We’ve got new beautiful icons for all commands of the Raycast Core and Raycast System extensions
  • Added the Lock Screen command to the Raycast System extension. Simply execute the command to quickly lock your Mac
  • Added application version number to the status bar menu. You can also Check for Updates from there now
  • Improved indexing so that more partial search terms for apps, commands, and other list content lead to results (e.g. “vs code” would now find “Visual Studio Code” or “my issues” would find the Jira command My Open Issues)
  • Improved support for custom sprint field types when creating Jira issues
  • Highlighted the New Update Available list item in the root search to make it easier to recognize when a new version is available ✨
  • Reduced translucency of the window background in the Light theme to improve contrast
  • Added a link to Raycast Manual. You can access it via status menu or via "Manual" command in the root search.
  • Fixed an issue when empty bullet lists fail the creation of Jira issues
  • Fixed a crash in the Jira issue creation form on macOS Mojave
  • Fixed list selection not being maintained when navigating back from Jira issue details
  • Fixed cases where the wrong icon would be displayed for issue types in Jira
  • Fixed attachments not being displayed on Jira issue details screen
  • Fixed rendering issues that can happen on non-retina displays
  • Fixed an issue where Raycast window wouldn't show up properly after using the Show Desktop command
v0.25.1September 2, 2020

GitHub: Create pull requests

As the first step of a brand new integration with GitHub, you can now use the Create Pull Request command to quickly submit your code changes for review. Use the form to select branches, set the title and pick your reviewers. After creating the PR, you can open it in your browser. Head over to the Preferences to enable the GitHub extension.

GitHub Create Pull Request

Jira: Global search for issues

So far you could filter selected Jira lists by various fields, but there might have been cases when you still couldn’t find what you were looking for. We’ve now added a Search Issues command that allows you to search for any text, project or issue key globally across all your projects. The global search is also available as a fallback search in the root search or in any Jira list.

Jira Search Issues

Jira: My filters

We’ve added a My Filters command that shows issues for any of your saved filters including the ones that Jira automatically set up while creating boards. The filters are handy to see what's going on in your projects.

Jira My Filters

Other improvements and fixes

  • Added a Recently Updated Issues command that shows all Jira issues that have been updated during the last week
  • Added a Copy Git Branch Name action to all Jira issues that generates and copies a git-compatible name which can be used to create a new branch
  • Improved the scrolling performance in Jira lists
  • Improved the indexing and searching in commands. This is now twice as fast!
  • Fixed "navigable" fields in Jira issue details
  • Fixed a bug where tokens would break layout in Jira issue detail screen
  • Fixed alternate escape for French keyboard layouts
v0.24.3August 25, 2020

International keyboards and alternative escape

A little treatment for all international keyboard users! We now support all layouts, including more exotic ones like Dvorak or Colemak. If you have a MacBook with a touch bar, you can enable an alternative escape to get the proper keyboard haptics. Go to Raycast Preferences > General to enable it.

Alternative escape

Fallback search suggestions

Sometimes, you can't find what you're looking for in the root search of Raycast. Now you see a list of fallback search suggestions on the bottom, allowing you to quickly search for your entered text in the File Search command, on Google or on DuckDuckGo.

Fallback search suggestions

Slack community

Throughout our journey of development, we've been amazed by your enthusiasm and feedback. Now it's time to bring it to the next level. We move our ongoing community effort to Slack, making it easier to dive into feature requests and getting to know each other. You can join the community here or from the menu.

Slack community

Other improvements and fixes

  • Significantly improved the rendering of the root search for apps and commands
  • Jira: Added actions to copy the title of an issue and assign issues to yourself
  • Improved visual feedback for copy actions; now you see what you copied
  • Renamed the Hide All Apps command to Hide All Apps Except Frontmost
  • Fixed ordering of recent files in the File Search command
  • Fixed missing icons for Apple ID, Bluetooth, General and Internet Accounts
  • Fixed a bug where shortcut tooltips were displayed incorrectly in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where toast indicators would get misaligned on hover
  • Fixed a bug where shortcuts wouldn't work when the Action Panel is open
v0.23.0August 17, 2020

Jira: Epics, sub-tasks and custom fields

You can now select epics and sub-task types when creating new issues, and set epic links and sprints. Even more, we support a number of your configured custom field types (textfields, dropdown fields with search, checkboxes, and label fields)!

Jira Create Epics

Smarter Root Search

We've added a Suggestions section to the top of our root search so that you can access your frequently and recently accessed commands and apps more quickly; and search now supports fuzzy terms that include the extension name, for instance: searching for jci would show you the Create Issue command of the Jira extension.

Smarter Root Search

Other improvements and fixes

  • Added city abbreviations to the advanced calendar to make it quicker to check the time in other locations, e.g. "time in ny" or "5pm sf in muc".
  • Quick actions got more responsive in Jira lists to allow faster transitioning of your issues.
  • Improved tooltip with shortcuts. Each key is now separated to make it easy to learn the shortcut.
  • Added visual feedback when changing volume via System Commands.
  • Added login for Jira via the preferences window.
  • Fix: Close the preferences window with Esc.
v0.22.6August 3, 2020

It’s about time for a new version of Raycast. We’ve rebuilt the app to make it faster, more advanced and more beautiful. It features a brand new look, a much better Jira extension and lots of other improvements. Read on to learn more about what's new, it’s worth it!

New Design

We’ve revamped the entire look and feel of Raycast: It now takes up less of your precious screen real estate and augments with a beautiful vibrancy. In the lower right corner you’ll find a new action panel with one primary action and an expanded mode for extra super powers. Speaking of actions, we cleaned up a few things and added loading indicators for long-running operations and tooltips to a bunch of elements to help you out.

New Design

Jira Extension

We’ve rebuilt the Jira extension with a new authorization flow, got rid of long initial syncing, and made everything faster. Issues are rendered with improved styling and new shortcuts let you trigger common actions more quickly. And of course we’re continuing to improve the Jira extension with some frequently requested features in our upcoming releases.

Jira Extension

Powerful Calculator

The Calculator got smarter and can process natural language to instantly evaluate expressions. Now you can solve complex equations (e.g. “3% of $134k”), convert timezones (e.g. “8pm London in Tokyo”), convert units (e.g. “5ft in m”) and currencies (“1 usd in eur”) or calculate dates (e.g. “monday + 3 weeks”) in a matter of seconds.

Powerful Calculator

File Search

We’ve improved the File Search command with a list of recent files and more metadata in a new details area. You can open files with a specific application via the action panel or by pressing ⌘+O on a selected file. In addition to opening files in Finder, you can directly copy file paths. Also, we’ve worked on general speed and stability improvements.

File Search

System Commands

Raycast supports System Commands that allow you to control your Mac without having to use the mouse. You can change the volume, show the desktop or hide all applications with a couple of keystrokes.

System Commands

Clipboard History

The Clipboard History command was rebuilt from the ground up: Now you can pin entries so that they remain on the top of the list and are quickly accessible. The command uses different symbols for copied text, colors and links and you can open links via the action panel or by using the shortcut ⌘+O. In addition, the command shows you when and how often you’ve copied the entries.

Clipboard History


We added a Preferences window where you can configure Raycast to launch at login, set your custom global hotkey to toggle the app and choose your preferred appearance. Finally, we added a separate panel for Extensions to explore and manage all available commands. You can open the window from the menu bar icon or press ⌘+,.


Light Theme

Not everyone enjoys the dark, so we’re happy to introduce SPF-50 — our new light theme! You can now safely use Raycast in the sun.

Light Theme

Other improvements and fixes

  • New: The update flow got nicely integrated in Raycast. New updates show up on the top of the root search and can be installed with the primary action. Raycast checks for new updates in the background and you can use the Check for Updates command to trigger a check at any time.
  • New: Store your email address in the Send Feedback command. Less typing for you, more feedback for us.
  • Improvement: Better performance and indexing of the root search, including a smarter ranking of your frequently and recently visited commands and apps. You should now find everything that you’re looking for even faster.
  • Improvement: Jump between list sections with ⌘+↑ or ⌘+↓ and jump 5 items up/down with ⌥+↑ or ⌥+↓.
  • Improvement: All forms, like the Jira Create Issue command, follow the same structure and got a simpler, single-column layout.
  • Fix: Respect the uploading file size limitations of Jira for attachments.
  • Fix: Crashes when entering complex Markdown in descriptions of the Jira Create Issue command.